General Reasoning Ability

an BPS Registered Test

general cognitive ability measuring abstract, numerical and verbal reasoning

GCAT General Reasoning Ability


General Reasoning Ability

An EFPA Registered Test

General mental ability (GMA) influences how quickly somebody can learn, how readily they can adapt, how easily they can understand, and how adeptly they can solve novel problems. GMA assessments classically contain abstract reasoning (sometimes called diagrammatic or inductive), numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning tests.

It is suitable to assess all levels of staff for selection purposes, identify high-potential workers, or assess whether applicants have the minimum ability level needed for a particular job.

For organisations, it is well established that GMA predicts occupational success regardless of role or context and is an important ingredient of future potential. However, is important for organisations to select tests that are fair, reliable, and valid.

General cognitive ability influences how quickly somebody can learn and how readily they can adapt, understand, and solve novel problems.

The Podium GCAT assessment measures General Mental Ability using abstract reasoning, numerical reasoning, and verbal reasoning ability assessments.

Abstract Reasoning

The GCAT abstract reasoning category is made up of diagrammatic test questions and word association question types that test critical thinking.

Numerical Reasoning

The numerical reasoning category in GCAT consists of questions that require context analysis, number grouping pattern solving and sequences.

Verbal Reasoning

The verbal reasoning category in GCAT consists of questions that require context analysis, word grouping and word appropriation.


General Reasoning Ability

Abstract Ability

Numerical Ability

Verbal Ability


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60 Timed Questions

30 Minutes

About GCAT

GCAT provides a measure of general mental ability and is comprised of 60 items under abstract, numerical, and verbal reasoning categories.

GCAT is available in timed and un-timed variants. The un-timed version is typically completed in about 30 minutes. A timed variant of GCAT (30 minutes) is available for selection into roles where complex decision-making under time pressure is a feature of the role, or when necessary for operational reasons.

It is suitable to assess all levels of staff for selection purposes, identify high-potential workers, or assess whether applicants have the minimum ability level needed for a particular job.

When to Use GCAT



